Bathing in the bathtub

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Many people enjoy soaking in a warm bathtub. Because it feels more relaxing than bathing with a shower. But soaking in a bathtub may have more steps and details that should be paid attention to as well body, including:

Before bathing in the tub You should have various equipment for showering close at hand. For easy access include towels, soap , shampoo, body cream, and fresh clothes to change into after showering UFABET

Clean the bathtub Use a cloth or thick tissue paper to wipe the inside of the tub. To remove soap scum and hair remaining in the tub.

Use the shower to wash yourself before soaking in the tub. If you want to cleanse dirt from your body 

Turn on the appropriate amount of warm water in the bathtub. And the temperature of the bathing water should not be higher than 40.5 degrees Celsius in the absence of a thermometer. Water may drip onto the inside of the arm. To test the water temperature that is suitable for yourself

Clean your body with soap. Or soak in warm water for 10-15 minutes, possibly using essential oils.  For example, 4-6 drops of lavender oil mixed with milk or honey and poured into a bowl of water. To increase relaxation, reduce stress, and help you sleep better. 

Wash yourself thoroughly again. Release the water from the bathtub and slowly get out of the bathtub. Use a towel to dry. And use skin cream to add moisture to the skin.